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Occupational Therapy for Hypermobility

You Don't Realize How Much Your Hands Do

Until You Struggle To Use Them

Does your hand pain make everyday activities (like cutting fruit or vegetables) more difficult? Are you finding it harder to turn a key? Or grip and lift grocery bags? Hand Wellness Occupational Therapy can get you back to everyday tasks with less pain and improved hand function.

we see you...

Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS)

If you are living with hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) we can help. We provide you with an evaluation, a care plan that is unique to your needs, and interventions to reduce injuries and protect your joints. We do more than just treat your hands - we provide the support and patient education your may be looking for.

Our Expertise

Hand Injuries

We provide Upper Extremity Orthopedic Rehabilitation for the hands, wrists, and fingers. We treat conditions that include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, and Trigger Finger.


Hand Wellness OT understands your needs and limitations when it comes to stretching, stabilization, and exercise. We provide specialized care plans and the validity you deserve.

Home Assessments

Hand Wellness OT provides home assessments and suggestions on adaptations and modifications to help keep your home safe and functional. Available exclusively in Long Island.

visit us in

New York City

We are located just across the street from the New York Public Library 501 5th Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, NY 10017 Call: (516) 472-0973 Fax: (516) 261-7184 e-mail:

About The Therapist

my story

Hello, my name is Susanne Corrales, Occupational Therapist and Owner of Hand Wellness Occupational Therapy. I have advanced training in Upper Extremity Orthopedics, specializing in conditions of the hands, wrists and fingers. My area of expertise is Joint Stabilization through the fabrication of custom orthotics and injury prevention strategies. Having lived with hypermobile EDS myself, I have become passionate about helping those with similar conditions. I have a holistic perspective, and assess the whole person, not just the injury. I treat my patients the way I wish I had been treated right from the start. Welcome to my practice!

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